Wednesday 4 June 2014

The Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred is Kicking My Butt

Okay, so now that I've been doing 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels for a little over a week, I feel qualified enough to give my opinion.

Before I start, let me just explain how this whole she-bang works. So the Shred is divided into 3 levels. You are supposed to do the Level 1 DVD for 10 days, then the Level 2 for 10, then finally the Level 3 for the final ten days. Today (or yesterday since it's 2 in the morning) I finished day 8 of Level 1.

I'm actually really liking it!

Shocking, I know.

The Set-Up

The work out is divided into 3 circuits consisting of 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. This is the perfect formula to keep my lazy self moving, because no matter what part of the workout you are on, if you're dying (and I most definitely thought I was a time or two) you know you only have a minute or two left before you move on to something else.
But let me tell you, when you are on the ground doing bicycle crunches, that minute goes by AWFULLY SLOW.

Oh, Jillian, you make it look so easy. (IT'S NOT.)
Photo from

The Modifications

There are two girls doing the work out along with Jillian. One does the work out as it was intended to be done (and by that I mean with excruciating commitment to doing each move as if your life depended on it, Energizer Bunny- like), and the other shows modified versions of most of the moves for us lowly beginners. 
I am not embarrassed to say that for most of the moves I've done the modified version. And to be completely honest, there has been many a time I've been out of breath and red-faced thinking (and sometimes saying aloud, when I'm especially dumbfounded) "If this is the damn modified version, who the hell can survive the regular version?" 
Both girls have these smiles on their faces like they are having a casual stroll in the park, lightly glistening, while I'm looking like a beached whale that has just washed ashore. 

That leads me to my next point...


Jillian says during one of the moves along the lines of "If you're on day 5, 6, 7, you're probably seeing major changes in your endurance" and this is absolutely true.
While the work out is short (only about 25 minutes in length), it's intensive, meaning that it works your entire body, and there is very little rest. For a newbie like me, that's a recipe for wanting to throw the towel in. But I've noticed that I'm way less winded while doing things like jumping jacks and other cardio moves, and that's enough for me to want to continue.  (Insert fist-pumping happy dance here.)

Sore as Hell

During the first four days of doing this work out, I can honestly say I've never been so sore. EVERY part of my body was sore. Muscles I didn't know I had were sore (like the part of your back right under your shoulder blades...I mean, what the hell is that?) But I didn't mind at all because it proved to me that this whole thing was working. 

For the most part, all the soreness is gone, which obviously means I'm turning into a tough as nails, body of steel workout queen right?  Yeah maybe not...

Eating Right

I'll be honest, I wish I was the type of person that could say that working out makes them eat better as well. I, Christina, am not this person.
I'm much more the "Okay so I worked out today for half an hour, it's totally cool if I eat this entire row of Oreos, right? It all balances out!" Which I know is noooot okay, but, call me Miley, because I can't be tamed. (Awful joke, sorry.)
I'm definitely going to try to eat a little better the rest of this month so that my hard work actually ends up paying off...and so the rest of my family can try a cookie or two, I guess...

So, two more days of Level 1, then I'm moving onwards and upwards to Level 2, which I'm looking forward to but also fearing.

As I progress I'll be letting you guys know how it's going!

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