Thursday 12 June 2014

I'm Already Tired of You Soccer-Hipsters

As I begin writing this, we are 38 minutes into the first World Cup Game.
And I already have a bone to pick with some people.

There have already been way way way too many tweets on my timeline saying variations of "Nobody cares about soccer until the World Cup comes along", mostly from apparent teenage professional soccer enthusiasts.

Before I continue, let me quickly explain my relationship with the World Cup. I love watching the games, especially those of Greece and Italy (because that's where my grandparents are from). A big reason why it's so fun to watch the games and get involved is because of all the hype, let's be real. There's a sense of widespread solidarity and passion that isn't as noticeable any other time.

That's it. I like watching because it is fun and exciting. Really. That's all. I am not all that savvy to the specifics of the game, I just enjoy that is it ENTERTAINING, something to fill the hours of my life, ya know?

Now, these people who tweet about all these bandwagon jumpers make me laugh.

I'm sorry, are you calling yourself a soccer-hipster right now? You liked soccer before it was cool? You knew about the game before it was mainstream?
Shall I give you a pair of thick rimmed glasses and suspenders or something?

Put down your phone, get off Twitter, and enjoy the game if you are so invested 24/7.

I'm allowed to type this while the game is going on because I am only watching it (say it with me) FOR FUN.


Christina out.

*drops mic*

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