Sunday 4 May 2014

21 Things My Grandmother Says

The mug found in my grandma's house with the least-grandma-ish sentiment around.

Grandmothers are beacons of wisdom... as well as beacons of hilarious quotes. Here are some directly from my grandmother's mouth. I'm pretty sure there are multiple variations of these phrases being uttered in every grandma's house in North America... okay, maybe not every one.

1. It's cold outside. Stay in.

2. Wear a jacket.

3. Zip it all the way up.

4. It's hot outside. Stay in. You can barely breathe.

5. I called and you didn't pick up. I got so scared, I started crying.

6. Did you have dinner?

7. Did you eat?

8. Are you hungry?

9. Make sure you never leave your drink at a party. Bring it to the bathroom with you!

10. I heard on the news there's this new drug out there. It's a lollipop. The men trick you and say "Do
you want this lollipop?", then you're on the drugs.

11. One day you'll find a nice Greek boy.

12. Don't talk to strangers at school.

This is a container of water she left beside all the vents as a do-it-yourself humidifier...when she has a perfectly good one in the basement.

13. *while complimenting her floral placemat* Do you want to take it home? Here, take it home.

14. Your grandfather drives me crazy.

15. The doctor gave your grandfather antibiotics for his ear infection. He threw them in the garbage.

16. *when there were mushrooms for dinner and I scooped some onto my plate* I didn't know you liked mushrooms! I'll make them every time you come over now.

17. Do you have a boyfriend?

18. It's okay. You're too young.

19. Why don't you ever develop pictures to show me? Everything is on the phone now.

20. Eat more. Are you sick? Are you on a diet?

21. I love you.

Reading this list back gives me a laugh (like with those lollipop drugs, she's ahead of the game in the streets, isn't she?) Gotta love grandparents!

Greek dancing at a wedding with my grandparents like a champ.

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