Monday 18 August 2014

I Blinked and Missed Summer

We all know weather in Canada isn't the best. The fact that we have snow on the ground for pretty much 5 months of the year is the only proof I need. So that's why Canadians all over always look forward to summer, for a break from the White Death.

So, someone please explain to me why it is August and I have yet to experience a real summer's day?

I was looking forward to the summer months all year long to be able to lie out in the sun all day. But aside from a few days this year, this summer has been all sweater-weather. #Unacceptable.

Don't even get me started on when night falls. You could probably get away with a parka to go outside some nights. Excuse me, Mother Nature, but I think you must be a little confused.

For example:

Here's a nice hipster photo of me on a day trip in Toronto. Please take a moment to notice the long pants, long sleeved shirt, and vest. It's just not right people.

The reason I was on this day trip to Toronto in the first place is because I had a cousin from Australia come to visit, and we were taking him sight seeing. My cousin bestowed upon me the knowledge that the Canadian weather he is experiencing reminds him of the worst days of their Australian winters.


So, mates, I'm moving to Australia,  anyone want to come with me?

We can throw some shrimp on the barbie.